Life-Cycle Based Electricity Supply: Strategy, Decision and Implementation

8,00 $50,00 $

CASE STUDY. A strategic planning manager must develop an electricity supply approach for his company.


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Life-Cycle Based Electricity Supply: Strategy, Decision and Implementation: Abstract

Life-Cycle Based Electricity Supply: Strategy, Decision and Implementation is a case study by Pierre-Olivier Pineau.

A strategic planning manager must develop an electricity supply approach for his company. Environmental as well as social and economic criteria should, of course, be taken into account, but he is asked to adopt a “Life-cycle” approach that includes all impacts related to the construction of power plants and electricity generation. First, he must understand the situation, prepare the ground, and decide what criteria to use and how to analyze the overall situation. Second, a multi-criteria analysis and a sensitivity analysis must be performed to identify elements that could potentially overturn – or at least influence – final recommendations. Finally, an implementation strategy must be established, taking into account the internal and external environment.

This three-part case study closely reflects the reality of power generation and illustrates how the different dimensions of sustainable development can be simultaneously taken into account in business.

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Also available in French.

Teaching notes are available for professors. Contact the HEC Montréal Case Centre.

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