Bellesdents: A Failed Project

8,00 $50,00 $

CASE STUDY. The results of a re-evaluation of the potential market for the new Bellesdents toothpaste were so negative that the manufacturer, Zélion, immediately ceased all activities undertaken to date to produce the product and bring it to market.

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Bellesdents: A Failed Project: Abstract

The results of a re-evaluation of the potential market for the new Bellesdents toothpaste were so negative that the manufacturer, Zélion, immediately ceased all activities undertaken to date to produce the product and bring it to market. This decision also applies to the installation of the production line assembled by the Konsept Group, the subcontractor retained for the project. Times are tough for all, and the business ties between Zélion and the Konsept Group are put to the test as both parties seek to minimize their losses and cannot agree on the terms of cancellation of the contract. Thanks to the intervention of their respective lawyers, they end up agreeing to hold an ultimate meeting before taking the case to court.

Multi-part case

  • Part A
  • Part B (only available with a Teaching license purchase)
  • Part C (only available with a Teaching license purchase)

Additional information

Also available in French.

Teaching notes are available for professors. Contact the HEC Montréal Case Centre.