Valorisation Gestion (HEC)
Affichage de 1081–1095 sur 1539 résultatsTrié du plus récent au plus ancien
Bombardier Recreational Products Inc.: The Financing of a Private Company
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case study describes the financing plan for the privatization of Bombardier’s Recreational Products Division in December 2003, and brings to issue the decision to either pay out a large dividend to the firm’s equity sponsors or to repay outstanding debt one year following the privatization.
San Rafael
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case documents the evolution of the relations between a Company, the San Rafael Company and a locale over one century.
Starbucks’ Operations in Singapore: Oasis in Midst of Desert?
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Based on information on Starbucks’ general capabilities and resources, together with other relevant information on Singapore’s market, this case is aimed at training students in the skills needed to analyze operational and management issues related to global corporate/franchise expansion in the context of a Southeast Asian country.
Conflict Management: Determining the Source(s) of Incompatibility
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Francine, a recent university graduate in chemical engineering, has joined the R&D division of a company specializing in plastic products. Aaron, a senior technician, has informed the manager that he and the team do not feel the novice recruit is a good fit for the unit.
Implementing a Three-Level Balanced Scorecard System at Chilquinta Energía
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case describes the implementation of a business intelligence project in a South American holding composed of Chilquinta Energía, the third-largest distributor of electricity in Chile and one of the leading energy companies in Latin America, Energas S.A., which distributes natural gas to 34,000 customers in Chile, and Tecnored, an energy service company.
iMag: creating a lifestyle and entertainment magazine for iPad
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case describes Johnny Fernandes’ new venture, a digital-based, lifestyle and entertainment magazine for the iPad, called iMag.
Eastern Medical Faculty Foundation: The Internal Medicine Call Centre Service
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case is about the management and analysis of a service capacity system in a call centre at a healthcare facility.
Energy, poverty and market: the CSR strategy of Coelce in Brazil
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case aims to address the issues of Sustainable Development (SD) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in emergent countries.
L’économie des points : les impacts comptables de la fidélité!
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Comment les sociétés qui utilisent ou gèrent des programmes de fidélité rendent-elles compte de ces activités? Le point de vue comptable.
Litigation support: the case of Infratil versus Natural Gas Corporation
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case requires input into an arbitration where the arbitrator is required to determine a « fair and reasonable price » when a shareholder voted against a major transaction and the majority voted in favour.
De Vinto inc. (DVI)
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Les résultats financiers sont en deçà des prévisions et la valeur du titre chute malgré une croissance des ventes. Il faut donc analyser les choix de structure organisationnelle et les systèmes de contrôle (incluant la rémunération et la performance) et rédiger un rapport au conseil d’administration.
L’intégration des infirmières auxiliaires dans les équipes de soins à domicile au CSSS Le Beauchemin : les défis de l’implantation
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. La direction du CSSS Le Beauchemin décide d’affecter des infirmières auxiliaires aux soins à domicile. Le cas décrit les différentes étapes de mise en œuvre de ce changement dans l’organisation du travail en décrivant les résistances et réactions observées.
Affichage de 1081–1095 sur 1539 résultatsTrié du plus récent au plus ancien