11 à 20
Affichage de 1–15 sur 562 résultatsTrié du plus récent au plus ancien
Courageous Land and the Agroforestry Transition
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case follows Courageous Land, a Brazilian for-profit start-up working to urgently address both climate change and risks to biodiversity and ecosystem health, while contributing to sustainable economic structures.
Facilitating Inclusive Stakeholder Engagement: Regeneration Projects and the Phillip Island Regenerative Tourism Alliance (Australia)
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case is based on Regeneration Projects, an Australian consultancy specializing in helping clients build partnerships to solve the triple planetary crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution.
Facebook : Organiser ce lien qui nous (dés)unit
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Le cas illustre les défis organisationnels auxquels Facebook est confronté.
Navigating the High-Tech Entrepreneurial Journey: Abionic’s Quest for Healthcare Innovation
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case focuses on Abionic, a healthcare technology start-up founded by Nicolas Durand and Iwan Märki, explaining how the start-up showed early signs of growth and attracted investors, and why founders tend to grab the first opportunity that comes their way.
Chief happiness officer (CHO) chez CLEIO : exploration des rôles et des défis
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Le cas examine en détail les fonctions et les responsabilités du poste de chief happiness officer (CHO), tout en explorant les dimensions du bien-être hédonique et eudémonique et en mettant en lumière les difficultés et les risques psychosociaux que ce responsable peut rencontrer.
Click & Mortar à la croisée des chemins : les difficultés liées à l’utilisation de l’IA dans une agence de marketing numérique
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Le cas propose une analyse approfondie de Click & Mortar, en détaillant son histoire, son environnement concurrentiel et sa clientèle.
The Modern Ticketing Industry: Ticketmaster’s Past, Present, and Beyond
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. The case focuses on the issues raised by the 2010 merger between Live Nation and Ticketmaster Entertainment to form the conglomerate Live Nation Entertainment (LNE).
Sugaring Off During a Pandemic: How a Tradition Was Saved
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case gives students the opportunity to discuss a relational alliance born out of a crisis that helped save an ancestral industry in Quebec.
Montreal International: Open for Business
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This decision-based case explores the Montreal International’s targeting and positioning strategy to attract foreign investors.
L’intelligence artificielle responsable au service de la prévision de la demande : la mise en place d’une solution d’IA chez Tel-jeunes
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Ce cas en deux parties met en évidence les défis et les possibilités qu’apporte l’intégration d’une solution d’IA pour optimiser le travail de logistique des horaires pour un OBNL.
Click & Mortar at a Critical Juncture: The Challenges of Using AI in a Digital Marketing Agency
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. The case offers an in-depth analysis of Click & Mortar, detailing its history, competitive environment, and client base.
Minerva and Montblanc: Technical Innovation and Branding in the Swiss Luxury Watch Industry
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. The case discusses the transfer of technical innovation to the market, helping students understand the importance of customer-centric approaches to building strong brands through storytelling.
Affichage de 1–15 sur 562 résultatsTrié du plus récent au plus ancien