8 résultats affichésTrié du plus récent au plus ancien
Offshoring: Where Should KindyBis Make Its Socks?
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case presents a fictitious firm, KindyBis, which must decide whether or not to engage in offshoring, and if so, how.
Business Process Outsourcing and Offshoring: Could Yahluma Compete?
50,00 $CASE STUDY. In January 2009, young entrepreneurs Ayanda Qunu and Thembi Bhayi abandoned their plans to start a fully owned contact centre, Yahluma Solutions Ltd, in Buffalo City in the Eastern Cape, South Africa.
Trilogy Natural Products: Managing a Global Distribution Network for Export Growth
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This decision-based case explores the management of international growth.
Yahluma: A Sustainable Business Model?
50,00 $CASE STUDY. In September 2007, Pindiwe Holomisa and Nomaciko Ngoasheng, started Yahluma Solutions Ltd with the intention of building a contact centre in Buffalo City (Eastern Cape), and making use of a Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) incentive to encourage the establishment of business process outsourcing and offshoring (BPO&O) businesses.
« Make it work! » – Chronique d’un processus de délocalisation en Inde
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Le cas relate un processus de délocalisation (outsourcing + offshoring) en Inde d’une partie des opérations de Dyonis, une multinationale spécialisée dans le développement de systèmes informatiques.
Taking on the Challenge of IT Management in a Global Business Context: The Alcan Case
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case describes the evolution of IT management at Alcan during the period from 2006-2007.
North American Financial Corporation (NAF): The MLM Project
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Following its acquisition of a competitor, North American Financial finds itself in possession of two incompatible IS applications for the management of its mortgage portfolios.
Corporation Cinar
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Ce cas, en quatre parties, porte sur la vérification des états financiers de la Corporation Cinar, une société canadienne de production d’émissions pour enfants bénéficiant de crédits d’impôts gouvernementaux.
8 résultats affichésTrié du plus récent au plus ancien