Gestion/Études de cas
Affichage de 121–135 sur 1746 résultats
Illumination : le ciel de toute une ville brille pendant la pandémie
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Le cas retrace toutes les étapes de l’événement Illumination.
Une évaluation qui tourne mal chez Distribution Laporte
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Le cas fait le récit des débuts d’une jeune détentrice d’un BAA en tant que gestionnaire d’une équipe de ventes.
The Blue-Green Alley Alliance: Creating and Maintaining Spaces for Urban Sustainability Innovations
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. The case analyzes the various processes at play in participatory sustainability innovations and the complex roles of researchers and changemakers in such innovations.
Festival d’Aix-en-Provence: Making Opera a Living Art Form Giving Meaning to the World!
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. In 2018, after ten years at the helm of the Festival Aix-en-Provence, Bernard Foccroulle had passed the reins to Pierre Audi. This case unfolds a few months before the passing of the torch.
Partenariats de recherche université-industrie: Guide des meilleures pratiques
0,00 $GUIDE. Ce guide est à l’intention des parties prenantes d’un partenariat de recherche université-industrie en nutrition.
SAP SA and CAD House: Of Conduct and Commission
50,00 $CASE STUDY. The management team managed to exploit loopholes in the group’s integrity management systems so as to take advantage of the influence that members of the Gupta familya had over state machinery and land lucrative contracts with state-owned enterprises. When SAP’s own investigations showed the leaked information to be true, CEO, Bill McDermott and the company’s executive team had to decide how best to respond in order to prevent similar dishonesty in the future.
McKinsey & Company: Hard Lessons Learned in South Africa
50,00 $CASE STUDY. The Gauteng High Court “set aside and declared unlawful all the decision-making processes through which Eskom had concluded [a] contract with McKinsey”. Subsequent events and the high court judgement meant that the partners at McKinsey SA had to assess the lessons learned from this project before embarking on further projects with South African state-owned entities (SOEs).
KPMG: Rebuilding Trust in South Africa
50,00 $CASE STUDY. Six months had passed since KPMG South Africa had released its integrated annual report titled Rebuilding Trust, Redefining Professionalism. Had the company done enough to acknowledge and rectify its legal and ethical lapses, and restore trust?
Deloitte South Africa: Complicit, Conniving or Caught Unawares
50,00 $CASE STUDY. Two years had passed since Deloitte South Africa (SA) had released its Transparency Report which detailed its journey of self-reflection as a firm and the ways in which it intended to rebuild trust and restore professionalism. Had Deloitte SA done enough to acknowledge and rectify its ethical and governance lapses, and restore trust?
Cellulant: Digital Innovation for Financial Services in Africa
50,00 $CASE STUDY. How best to respond to the changing needs of Cellulant’s own customers – the banks and merchants – so that, in turn, these customers could respond to the changing needs of their customers.
Bain & Company and SARS: A Massive Failure of Governance and Integrity
50,00 $CASE STUDY. Although Bain denied any wrongdoing, Vittorio Massone, its managing partner for sub-Saharan Africa, had had a closer relationship with Moyane than initially had been disclosed. Bain ultimately admitted to “significant errors of judgement”, but how might the company avoid such a situation in future?
Princess Auto
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This two-part case looks at flowcasting at Princess Auto, going beyond a simple presentation.
De PME à grande entreprise : Propulser la croissance par la mobilisation stratégique des ressources disponibles dans l’écosystème
0,00 $RAPPORT. Cette recherche porte sur le rôle des écosystèmes entrepreneuriaux et d’innovation dans la croissance des PME technologiques.
L’impact des événements d’innovation ouverte: Meilleures pratiques, indicateurs et mesures de succès
0,00 $RAPPORT. Les meilleures pratiques, les indicateurs de succès ainsi que les mesures d’impact des événements d’innovation ouverte sur leurs écosystèmes respectifs.
Grandeur et misère de la mesure de la performance : les difficultés d’un cadre intermédiaire dans la mise en œuvre d’un nouvel indicateur
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Le cas suit Richard, directeur régional pour le Québec, chez l’enseigne canadienne de vêtements Frippe, dans l’implantation d’un nouvel indicateur de performance.
Affichage de 121–135 sur 1746 résultats