The Great Art Gallery Caper – The Achilles’ Heel of a Marketing Success

8,00 $50,00 $

CASE STUDY. Students should understand the factors that affected the growth and development of the gallery. They must identify applicable marketing concepts such as consumer behaviour, advertising, price sensitivity, and distribution networks.

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The Great Art Gallery Caper – The Achilles’ Heel of a Marketing Success: Abstract

Gaston Therrien gave up a steady job to open an art gallery in the heart of Ottawa. Thanks to what were innovative marketing tactics at the time, the gallery became quite successful. However, events beyond the owner’s control would eventually lead to its downfall.

Teaching objectives

Students should understand the factors that affected the growth and development of the gallery. They must identify applicable marketing concepts such as consumer behaviour, advertising, price sensitivity, and distribution networks.

Main themes covered

  • Marketing strategies
  • Consumer behaviour
  • The influence of regulation on marketing efforts

Concepts and theories related to the case

  • Marketing strategies
  • Consumer behaviour
  • The influence of regulation on marketing efforts

Additional information

Also available in French.

Teaching notes are available for teachers only. Contact the HEC Montréal Case Centre for more information.