Implementation of a Hybrid Operating Room for Cardiac Surgery at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital: Collaboration and Change Management Challenges

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CASE STUDY. This case deals with a project to build a hybrid operating room for cardiac surgery at Montreal’s Sainte-Justine University Hospital.

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Implementation of a Hybrid Operating Room for Cardiac Surgery at the Sainte-Justine University Hospital: Collaboration and Change Management Challenges: Abstract

This case deals with a project to build a hybrid operating room for cardiac surgery at Montreal’s Sainte-Justine University Hospital. The case is discussed from the perspective of change management and implementation processes at the personal and organizational levels. The change involved the learning of new practices with state-of-the-art equipment and the collaboration of two medical teams: surgical and cardiology. This initiative, suggested by a cardiologist in 2002, was finally completed in 2010 following several years of fundraising efforts and the departure of several stakeholders. The arrival of a new CEO in 2009 gave fresh impetus to the project. The leaders of the two teams managed the change to the best of their ability, and a Tactical committee was set up to plan activities and prepare the various actors for the change (managers, cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, technologists, etc.). This case study of a successful change reports the perspectives and perceptions of fourteen key actors, including doctors, nurses, managers, administrators, heads of sectors and other units, and the chief executive officer.

Teaching objectives

  • Learn about the management of an organizational change in a complex environment
  • Analyze a case of organizational change management
  • Understand the roles of the various actors and their scope
  • Suggest possible improvements to the change management process implemented during the project

Main themes covered

  • Transformation approach
  • Capacity for change
  • Complexity
  • Organizational inertia
  • Chief executive officer
  • Managers
  • Tactical committee
  • Conditions to create

Concepts and theories related to the case

  • Transformation implementation model of Alain Rondeau

Additional information

Also available in French.

Teaching notes are available for professors. Contact HEC Montreal Case Centre.