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LEW Auto: Getting the Wheels Turning
50,00 $CASE STUDY. The new owner was worried that his business was not growing as he had anticipated that it would. He wanted to identify where the problem lay and what he needed to do to grow the business.
Women in Wine: Can Principles Turn a Profit?
50,00 $CASE STUDY. CEO presents two courses of action to shareholders: focus resources on developing a more innovative marketing strategy or acquire a property to diversify into hospitality and farming ventures.
Douceur de vivre ou rentabilité : faut-il vraiment choisir? Le cas de la microcoopérative Café Pagaille
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. L’analyse de l’expérience du Café Pagaille permet aux étudiants, à partir d’une très petite entreprise « simple » qu’ils connaissent bien en tant que client (un café de quartier), de découvrir et d’explorer des enjeux de gestion génériques.
Une entreprise en santé… en santé?
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Peter Larivière fait face à un dilemme : doit-il ou non conserver la succursale-satellite ontarienne (province voisine) qui lui cause des soucis?
A Tough Decision Facing an Enterprising Physician
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. How can he effectively manage the Ottawa clinic, which is the source of many of his worries? The clinic meets the needs of local clients, but does not meet its profitability objectives.
The Future of Espoir Cafés: Balancing Human Resources and Marketing
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Until recently, the division has had its fair share of success. However, the level of profitability has been disappointing since 2008, and the preliminary financial results for 2009 have the management team worried.
L’avenir des cafés-bistrots L’Espoir : mousser ressources humaines et marketing
8,00 $ – 50,00 $ÉTUDE DE CAS. Jusqu’à récemment, les activités de la chaîne de cafés avaient été profitables. Toutefois, le niveau de rentabilité est décevant depuis 2008, et les résultats financiers préliminaires de 2009 inquiètent l’équipe de direction.
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