Political Science
Showing 16–30 of 35 resultsSorted by latest
Les think tanks et le discours expert sur les politiques publiques au Canada (1890-2015)
29,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Ce livre retrace l’histoire des groupes de réflexion ou think tanks canadiens, tout en inscrivant ceux-ci dans un contexte plus large permettant de mieux comprendre les rapports entre la politique, les sciences sociales et l’analyse des politiques publiques en Amérique du Nord.
Borders, Culture, and Globalization: A Canadian Perspective
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. Canada’s borders in globalization offer an opportunity to explore the interplay of borders and culture, identify the fundamental currents of border culture in motion, and establish an approach to understanding how border culture is placed and replaced in globalization.
Genre, féminismes et développement : une trilogie en construction
39,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Misant sur la capacité d’agir et le pouvoir de transformation sociale des femmes des Suds, ce livre examine les enjeux du genre et du développement.
Innovating South-South Cooperation: Policies, Challenges and Prospects
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. This book presents novel approaches to further South-South Cooperation (SSC) on a global scale.
Anthropocene Geopolitics: Globalization, Security, Sustainability
19,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. A future of long-term peace and geopolitical security depends on keeping the earth in conditions roughly similar to those we have known throughout history. Minimizing disruptions that would further put civilization at risk of extinction urgently requires policies that reflect new Anthropocene “planetary boundaries.”
Luttes paysannes en Colombie 1970-2016 : Conflit agraire et perspectives de paix
29,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Ce livre retrace l’évolution du mouvement agraire depuis les années 1970 en dégageant quatre phases ou dynamiques distinctes : autogestion, réclamation, résistance et autodétermination.
Citizenship in a Connected Canada: A Research and Policy Agenda
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. The collection offers insight on the state of citizenship in a digital context in Canada and proposes a research and policy agenda for the way forward.
Financement de la santé et efficacité de l’aide internationale
29,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Cet ouvrage constitue le premier du genre à explorer de façon exhaustive l’architecture chaotique de l’aide internationale à la santé et les jalons qui ont marqué son évolution à partir de 1960 jusqu’aux années 2000.
La COVID-19 : un fait social total. Perspectives historiques, politiques, sociales et humaines
0,00 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Ce livre a pour objectif de contribuer à un éclairage interdisciplinaire en mettant à profit l’expertise et les perspectives variées des chercheurs du Département des sciences humaines et sociales de l’Université du Québec à Chicoutimi. Nous souhaitons que leurs propos puissent contribuer à la réflexion sur les enjeux, les effets et les pistes d’action en lien avec la COVID-19, notamment au regard de la région du Saguenay–Lac-Saint-Jean.
Life, Fish and Mangroves: Resource Governance in Coastal Cambodia
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. In Life, Fish and Mangroves, Melissa Marschke explores the potential of resource governance, offering a case study of resource-dependent village life.
The China Challenge: Sino-Canadian Relations in the 21st Century
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. With the exception of Canada’s relationship with the United States, Canada’s relationship with China will likely be its most significant foreign connection in the twenty-first century.
Sexual Assault in Canada: Law, Legal Practice and Women’s Activism
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. Sexual Assault in Canada is the first English-language book in almost two decades to assess the state of sexual assault law and legal practice in Canada.
The Copyright Pentalogy: How the Supreme Court of Canada Shook the Foundations of Canadian Copyright Law
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. In the summer of 2012, the Supreme Court of Canada issued rulings on five copyright cases in a single day. The cases represent a seismic shift in Canadian copyright law, with the Court providing an unequivocal affirmation that copyright exceptions such as fair dealing should be treated as users’ rights, while emphasizing the need for a technology neutral approach to copyright law.
eGirls, eCitizens
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. eGirls, eCitizens is a landmark work that explores the many forces that shape girls’ and young women’s experiences of privacy, identity, and equality in our digitally networked society.
Rethinking Canadian Aid
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. As the government is rethinking Canadian aid and its relationship with other foreign policy and commercial objectives, the time is ripe to rethink Canadian aid more broadly.
Showing 16–30 of 35 resultsSorted by latest