University of Ottawa
Showing 31–45 of 80 resultsSorted by latest
North America’s Arctic Borders: A World of Change
7,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. This book demonstrates how North America’s Arctic borders are being reshaped by globalization even as these borders are adjusting to new internal pressures such as devolution and the rise of sub-national territorial interests.
Canada’s Fluid Borders: Trade, Investment, Travel, Migration
7,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. This book uncovers and analyzes factors that govern economic activity and human interaction across Canada’s “fluid” border.
Cultural Policy: Origins, Evolution, and Implementation in Canada’s Provinces and Territories
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. Cultural Policy: Origins, Evolution, and Implementation in Canada’s Provinces and Territories offers a comprehensive history of subnational cultural policies.
Separate but Unequal: How Parallelist Ideology Conceals Indigenous Dependency
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. Separate but Unequal provides an in-depth critique of the ideology of parallelism—the prevailing view that Indigenous cultures and the wider Canadian society should exist separately from one another in a “nation-to-nation” relationship.
Canadian Perspectives on Community Development
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. Founded in a perspective that speaks to the diversity of contexts and processes used across Canada, this work is nevertheless firmly grounded in theory, offering an in-depth analysis geared toward advanced study in community practice.
Les think tanks et le discours expert sur les politiques publiques au Canada (1890-2015)
29,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Ce livre retrace l’histoire des groupes de réflexion ou think tanks canadiens, tout en inscrivant ceux-ci dans un contexte plus large permettant de mieux comprendre les rapports entre la politique, les sciences sociales et l’analyse des politiques publiques en Amérique du Nord.
Borders, Culture, and Globalization: A Canadian Perspective
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. Canada’s borders in globalization offer an opportunity to explore the interplay of borders and culture, identify the fundamental currents of border culture in motion, and establish an approach to understanding how border culture is placed and replaced in globalization.
Genre, féminismes et développement : une trilogie en construction
39,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Misant sur la capacité d’agir et le pouvoir de transformation sociale des femmes des Suds, ce livre examine les enjeux du genre et du développement.
Didactique du français en contextes minoritaires : Entre normes scolaires et plurilinguismes
29,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Les auteurs posent les jalons d’une didactique du français qui, afin de permettre aux apprenants de s’approprier les normes scolaires qui favoriseront leur épanouissement en société, s’inspire de leur réalité, de leurs trajectoires, de leurs histoires, de leurs forces et des défis qu’ils rencontrent.
Innovating South-South Cooperation: Policies, Challenges and Prospects
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. This book presents novel approaches to further South-South Cooperation (SSC) on a global scale.
Anthropocene Geopolitics: Globalization, Security, Sustainability
19,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. A future of long-term peace and geopolitical security depends on keeping the earth in conditions roughly similar to those we have known throughout history. Minimizing disruptions that would further put civilization at risk of extinction urgently requires policies that reflect new Anthropocene “planetary boundaries.”
Luttes paysannes en Colombie 1970-2016 : Conflit agraire et perspectives de paix
29,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Ce livre retrace l’évolution du mouvement agraire depuis les années 1970 en dégageant quatre phases ou dynamiques distinctes : autogestion, réclamation, résistance et autodétermination.
Citizenship in a Connected Canada: A Research and Policy Agenda
0,00 $DIGITAL BOOK. The collection offers insight on the state of citizenship in a digital context in Canada and proposes a research and policy agenda for the way forward.
The Evolved Self: Mapping an Understanding of Who We Are
29,99 $DIGITAL BOOK. In this work the self, which is core to such concepts as self-esteem and self-actualization, is mapped using elemental units of culture called memes.
L’incontournable caste des femmes : Histoire des services de santé au Québec et au Canada
29,99 $LIVRE NUMÉRIQUE. Une invitation à découvrir sur plus d’un siècle la place prédominante de plusieurs générations de femmes qui ont participé activement au développement du système de santé au Québec et au Canada.
Showing 31–45 of 80 resultsSorted by latest