Montreal International: Open for Business
CASE STUDY. This decision-based case explores the Montreal International’s targeting and positioning strategy to attract foreign investors.
CASE STUDY. This decision-based case explores the Montreal International’s targeting and positioning strategy to attract foreign investors.
CASE STUDY. The case can be used to explore the location choices of multinational corporations, business-government relations, location choices of platform firms, global cities and inequality, urban and community development, and urban business environments.
ÉTUDE DE CAS. Amazon fait son entrée en Chine en 2004 en se portant acquéreur de Joyo, cyberdétaillant local, renommé Amazon China, et en mettant en œuvre les technologies et les pratiques ayant fait leurs preuves aux États-Unis.
CASE STUDY. Amazon entered China in 2004 by acquiring Joyo, a local e-retailer, and rebranding it as Amazon China, implementing the technology and practices that had worked in the U.S.