Monica Gattinger

Monica Gattinger

Monica Gattinger is Director of the Institute for Science, Society and Policy, Full Professor at the School of Political Studies and Chair of Positive Energy at the University of Ottawa. Professor Gattinger’s research and engagement focus on strengthening governance, public policy and regulation in the context of fast-paced innovation, technological change and markets, fundamental social and value change, and lower public trust in government, industry, science and expertise. She explores these issues principally in the energy and cultural policy sectors. Gattinger is a Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute, a member of the International Advisory Board of the DC-based think tank the Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies, a member of the Advisory Councils for Pollution Probe's Energy Exchange and Energy Ambassadors initiatives, and a member of the Editorial Boards of the University of Ottawa Press and the journal Canadian Public Administration. She holds a Ph.D. in public policy from Carleton University.