Léonard LaPointe

Léonard LaPointe

Dr. LaPointe has authored or co-authored 10 books, 40 book chapters, over 90 journal articles, and presented more than 400 papers, lectures, or invited workshops in the United States,the former Soviet Union, several countries in Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, Korea, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Thailand, and the South American countries of Colombia, Argentina, and Brazil. He has received continual grant funding since 1969 from government and private agencies that has totalled over $3 million.

Expertise: Neurogenics, Memory, Attention, Cognitive Disorders, Neuromotor Speech Disorders, Aphasia, Right Hemisphere Syndrome, Dementia, Traumatic Brain Injury, Role of Subcortical Structures in Language and Cognition, Psychosocial Aspects of Neural Damage, Quality of Life Measurement in Stroke, Aphasia; Dystonia, Parkinson’s Disease and other Movement Disorders