Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz-Wilner

Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz-Wilner

Dr. Claire-Jehanne Dubouloz-Wilner is a Full professor. She is an Occupational Therapist trained in Switzerland (Diploma) and at the University of Montreal (BSc.OT), has worked as a clinician for many years in mental health services and in physical rehabilitation. She received her MSc. in Clinical sciences from the University of Montreal and her PhD. in Education from l'Université du Québec à Montréal à Hull (UQAM/UQAH). Her research is demonstrating strong leads in the development of knowledge on Transformative Learning in adulthood in rehabilitation. She is interested also to link research to practice through multidisciplinary studies. She is developing strategies for integrating research findings into practice to be applicable for occupational therapists and other health care providers. She is a specialist in qualitative research methods.