2016 Responsible Procurement Barometer

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BAROMETER. The 2016 Responsible Procurement Barometer assesses the advancement of responsible purchasing among organizations in Québec, with inroads in Canada.


2016 Responsible Procurement Barometer: Abstract

The 2016 Responsible Procurement Barometer assesses the advancement of responsible purchasing among organizations in Québec, with inroads in Canada. The tool constitutes the second edition of the Barometer, which was initially released for the Québec market in 2012 (2012 Responsible Procurement Barometer).


The 2016 Barometer reports on organizational practices for the five components of responsible purchasing: vision, policies and governance, operationalization, assessment and stakeholder mobilization. Each component includes a series of indicators. Based on a ranking methodology, the practices were categorized on five levels: little interest, commitment, progress, maturity and exemplarity.

For who?

  • Citizens, consumers, researchers, associations, businesses.

Additional information

Also available in French.