Sherbrooke Toyota: Following Market Trends
CASES STUDY. How can Sherbrooke Toyota stand out from the local competition in a market of 200,000 people?
CASES STUDY. How can Sherbrooke Toyota stand out from the local competition in a market of 200,000 people?
CASE STUDY. He patented his invention in 2004 in Canada and the United States. Unfortunately, he has had trouble penetrating the North American market.
CASE STUDY. This case serves to encourage students to abide by ethical standards in their academic work.
ÉTUDE DE CAS. Un des adjoints du maire de la ville de Gatineau souhaite faire valoir les atouts uniques de sa ville en évitant dans la mesure du possible les comparaisons avec sa voisine, la ville d’Ottawa.
CASE STUDY. Develop a marketing vision, or for more advanced students, a comprehensive marketing plan complete with a slogan and activities.
CASE STUDY. Despite having a quasi-monopoly in Sherbrooke, Magex finds itself in a precarious position during the summer months. What might this small business do to ensure that its resources are used to full capacity throughout the year?
CASE STUDY. A deputy mayor of Gatineau, Quebec, wishes to emphasize the city’s unique strengths while minimizing comparisons with its neighbour, Ottawa, Canada’s national capital and a major tourism centre.
ÉTUDE DE CAS. Il s’agit de comprendre l’ensemble des enjeux marketing qui ont influé sur l’évolution de la galerie. Les étudiants doivent reconnaître les concepts marketing qui s’appliquent, tels que les comportements du consommateur, la publicité, la sensibilité aux prix, les réseaux de distribution, etc.
CASE STUDY. Isabelle dreamed up an advertising campaign in which she and her team would demonstrate that these values are core to their client service. The question now is how to create a brand image that spotlights this value.
CASE STUDY. Students should understand the factors that affected the growth and development of the gallery. They must identify applicable marketing concepts such as consumer behaviour, advertising, price sensitivity, and distribution networks.
CASE STUDY. How can he effectively manage the Ottawa clinic, which is the source of many of his worries? The clinic meets the needs of local clients, but does not meet its profitability objectives.
ÉTUDE DE CAS. Peter Larivière fait face à un dilemme : doit-il ou non conserver la succursale-satellite ontarienne (province voisine) qui lui cause des soucis?
ÉTUDE DE CAS. Les conditions du marché automobile sherbrookois ont beaucoup changé de 2005 à 2015. Comment Sherbrooke Toyota entend-elle se démarquer de la concurrence locale, dans ce marché d’environ 200 000 personnes?
ÉTUDE DE CAS. Malgré son quasi-monopole à Sherbrooke, Magex se retrouve dans une situation inefficiente durant l’été. Que faire pour combler ce vide?
ÉTUDE DE CAS. Comment se démarquer? Isabelle Gagnon, vice-présidente et associée, a sa petite idée : miser sur les relations interpersonnelles. Comment créer une image de marque qui met cette valeur à l’avant-scène?