Affichage de 1–15 sur 27 résultatsTrié du plus récent au plus ancien
MEC Protocol: Montreal Protocol for the Evaluation of Communication
170,00 $PROTOCOL. The Montreal Evaluation of Communication (MEC) is a clinical test to evaluate communication ability in people who have problems with communication in the absence of aphasia such as patients with right hemisphere stroke or damage to the frontal lobes.
Excalibur Construction or the Dilemma of the Young Go-Getter
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. A young engineer at a major Quebec construction company realizes that, over time, he has placed himself in a tricky legal and ethical position: at the request of his immediate superior, a man he respects and to whom he feels indebted, he has repeatedly falsified cost estimates for the public works projects his company is bidding on.
Contrasting Decisions in Two Suspected Cases of Plagiarism
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case serves to encourage students to abide by ethical standards in their academic work.
Gatineau vs. Ottawa: Competing for the Same Clientele
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. A deputy mayor of Gatineau, Quebec, wishes to emphasize the city’s unique strengths while minimizing comparisons with its neighbour, Ottawa, Canada’s national capital and a major tourism centre.
Recycl’Art: Relaunching an Arts Festival
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Develop a marketing vision, or for more advanced students, a comprehensive marketing plan complete with a slogan and activities.
A Tough Decision Facing an Enterprising Physician
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. How can he effectively manage the Ottawa clinic, which is the source of many of his worries? The clinic meets the needs of local clients, but does not meet its profitability objectives.
The Great Art Gallery Caper – The Achilles’ Heel of a Marketing Success
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Students should understand the factors that affected the growth and development of the gallery. They must identify applicable marketing concepts such as consumer behaviour, advertising, price sensitivity, and distribution networks.
A Family and Its Small Businesses: Was It all Worth It?
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. The objectives are to provide insights into the motivations and consequences of small “mom and pop shops” of necessity entrepreneurs.
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. This case tells the story of the pirate Blackbeard in his brief but infamous rise to notoriety between 1717 and 1718, and the challenges he faced as his power and influence on trade on the Eastern Seaboard grew.
Cipla Global Ltd.: Generics versus Drug Discovery
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Thanks to India’s process patent regime (1970–2005), Dr. Yusuf Hamied, the company’s chairman, managed to catapult the company to its position as a leading generics manufacturer.
Raven’s Sun Enterprise Ltd.
8,00 $ – 50,00 $CASE STUDY. Raven’s Sun Enterprise Ltd. is a small oilfield and construction site delivery business operated by firefighter Mike LaPlante on his days off. Mike is the firm’s only driver, so scheduling his time profitably is the critical success factor.
An Ecological Analysis Procedure to Assess Health Promotion Programs: An Instruction Manual
0,00 $MANUAL. This manual is about innovative practices in health promotion, one of the key ideas that led to the new public health movement.
Affichage de 1–15 sur 27 résultatsTrié du plus récent au plus ancien